OpenSplitTime API

API Keys

Once you have an account, you will need to pass your credentials to the OpenSplitTime API authorization endpoint to receive an API Key. Get an API Key by making a POST request to /api/v1/auth with your user email and password, in this manner:

$ curl --data "user[email][password]=yourpassword"

Of course, you will need to replace with your own email address and yourpassword with your own password. The examples in this guide use the LINUX curl utility, but you can use any utility capable of creating an HTTP POST request.

OpenSplitTime will return a JSON response that looks something this:

{"token":"eyJhb.GcJIUz.I1Ni", "expiration":"2019-10-19T04:20:18.407Z"}

The value of the token key is your API Key. In the example above, the API Key would be eyJhb.GcJIUz.I1Ni.