Event Management

Rebuilding an Effort (Multi-Lap Events Only)

This tool applies only to multi-lap events.

Raw Times contain a bib number, time data, and the name of the station at which the bib was recorded. They do not specify a lap. In a multi-lap Event, time entries are sometimes mismatched such that a later Raw Time for an Entrant is mapped to one lap, and then an earlier Raw Time is discovered and is forced to map to a later lap.

When times for an Entrant are hopelessly confused, the entire Effort can be rebuilt from the Raw Time record using the Rebuild Times tool. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Entrant Show screen by clicking on the Entrant's name from the Roster or Full Results screen
  2. Locate the green Raw Time Records button. The button includes a number indicating how many Raw Time records exist for the Entrant.
  3. Click Raw Time Records and review the list to ensure it is complete
  4. Return to the Entrant Show page
  5. Choose Actions > Rebuild Times
  6. Click OK to confirm your choice

Use This Tool With Care

Note: This is a powerful and blunt instrument. It will delete all of the Entrant's Split Times and attempt to rebuild them from the available Raw Times. If you do not have a complete Raw Time record, you will lose data. If there are no Raw Times (for example, if all of the Entrant's times were entered using the Direct Edit method), you will erase all of the Entrant's Split Times and you will have to re-enter them from some other source.