Event Management

Direct Edit

An Entrant's Split Times can be edited directly, either as military times, elapsed times, or full dates with times. Follow this procedure to edit times directly:

  1. Visit the Entrant Show screen by clicking on the Entrant's name in the Roster or Full Results screen
  2. Click Actions > Edit Times of Day or Actions > Edit Dates and Times or Actions > Edit Elapsed Times, depending on which format you prefer to edit
  3. Make changes and click Update Times

When to Use Direct Edit

Use restraint when editing times directly. On the plus side, if an Entrant has several incorrect or blank times, it is easy to edit or add them all in a single stroke. On the minus side, times entered or edited directly in this manner will have no Raw Times associated with them, so there will be no audit trail indicating when they were changed or by whom. If you instead enter each time in the Live Entry screen, it will take a bit longer, but Raw Time records will be created for each entry, making the changes easier to trace in the future.

Directly Editing Start Times

An Entrant's starting Split Time can be edited in Time of Day or Date and Time format, but cannot be edited in Elapsed Time format (because the starting elapsed time is always 00:00). Edit Times of Day or Dates and Times if you need to directly edit the start time.