Event Management

Reviewing Raw Times

When Raw Time entries are flagged as bad, they wait in a holding state until they are pulled for review into the Live Entry screen. You should visit the Live Entry screen on a regular basis to review these problem entries.

From the Live Entry screen, if time entries are waiting for review, you will see an alert in the upper right corner to that effect. In addition, the blue "Pull Times" button will show a badge indicating how many time entries are available for review. Pull the time entries as described in the Live Entry section.

The Review Procedure

Each Raw Time entry was flagged for review for some reason, so please take a moment to review each one before submitting. For each time entry, we recommend you follow this procedure:

  1. Click the blue pencil icon next to the time entry. If the bib number is valid, OpenSplitTime will present the related Effort data to the right with the selected aid station highlighted.
  2. If the entry appears to have a wrong bib number, and if you are able to determine the correct bib number, change the bib number, click Update, and then submit the entry by clicking the green checkmark icon
  3. If the entry appears to have a wrong bib number and you are not able to determine the correct bib number, or if there is some other problem that you cannot discern given the information that you have, click Cancel to return the entry to the Local Data Workspace, and then use other tools to try to determine the problem
  4. If the entry duplicates an existing Split Time, and if the existing entry appears to be correct, click Cancel and then discard the entry by clicking the red X icon
  5. If the entry duplicates an existing Split Time, and if the new entry appears to be correct, click Cancel and then submit the entry by clicking the green checkmark icon
  6. If the entry appears to have been made at the wrong station, choose a new station from the dropdown menu, click Update, and then submit the entry by clicking the green checkmark icon
  7. For multi-lap events, if the entry appears to be correct but the lap suggested by OpenSplitTime is incorrect, change the lap, click Update, and then submit the entry by clicking the green checkmark icon