Event Management

Training Timing Crews

Event timing can be intense. A trained timing crew will be less stressed, more accurate, and generally more effective than an untrained crew. Please make an effort to train your crews in advance.

Creating Steward Accounts

First, you will need one or more timing accounts authorized as Stewards for your organization. Follow these steps:

  1. Log out from your own account (you cannot create a new account while logged in)
  2. Click the Sign Up button
  3. Enter an email address and password. Remember that you will need access to the email address you use so that you can confirm the account. Make sure you write down or otherwise store the email and password in a secure place.
  4. Log back in to your own account
  5. Authorize the new time entry accounts as Stewards (My Stuff > Your Organization > Stewards). You must have Owner privileges for your Organization in order to grant Steward privileges to another account.

Creating Steward accounts is a one-time process. You can re-use them in future years. Consider changing your passwords between events to discourage unauthorized use.

Creating a Test Event Group

For training purposes, your crews will need to have access to an Event Group. Follow these steps:

  1. Create an Event Group using the usual Construction process. Note: Do not make your mock Event Group public! (It will be confusing to the public if you do.)
  2. Make your mock Event Group available live (Admin > Construction > Group Actions > Enable Live). Remember that OST Remote will not recognize an Event Group unless it is enabled for live entry.
  3. Verify that your mock event is available for time entry by logging in to OST Remote using a Steward account. The mock Event Group should appear in the "Select Event" list.

We recommend that each Organization create one or more mock Event Groups to simulate actual race conditions. Mock Event Groups should always be kept private, and never made available for public view. Once you have created a mock Event Group, you can enable or disable live entry as often as you like. Consider keeping a mock Event Group available for training in later years so you do not have to re-create one for each new event.

Using the Test Event Group

Timing crews will do best if they actually enter and sync some times in your mock Event Group. Follow these steps:

  1. Provide an email and password for a Steward account to your timing crews. Or, if you prefer to keep your Steward passwords secret, simply log in to OST Remote and provide devices to your crews. The password will not have to be re-entered unless an operator logs out and attempts to change the password when logging back in.
  2. Direct your timing crews to the OST Remote Documentation, and ask them to read it carefully and test OST Remote. Encourage them to enter and sync times. Nothing will be visible to the public so long as the Event Group remains private.
  3. If you are able, hold an in-person meeting or video conference with timing crews to make sure they understand how to use OST Remote

Cleaning Up

After training is complete, you will need to disable the mock Event Group and clean up. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure all devices are logged out of OST Remote
  2. Disable live entry for your mock Event Group (Admin > Construction > Group Actions > Disable Live). This step is critical to avoid any accidental use of your mock Event Group during the actual event.
  3. Verify that the mock Event Group no longer appears when attempting to log in to OST Remote.