Golden Gate Dirty 30 Course: Cutoff Analysis

Cutoff analysis for Aid #1 in increments of 15 minutes


Elapsed Time Total Finished Stopped Here Continued
and DNF
00:30 to 00:45 83 80 0 3
00:45 to 01:00 930 880 0 50
01:00 to 01:15 1462 1380 0 82
01:15 to 01:30 443 345 8 90
01:30 to 01:45 45 18 0 27
01:45 to 02:00 18 3 0 15
02:00 to 02:15 1 0 0 1
02:15 to 02:30 1 0 0 1
02:30 to 02:45 1 0 0 1