How to Follow 2023 Running Up For Air (SLC)
Running Up For Air is pleased to bring you live results and updates from OpenSplitTime! OpenSplitTime provides us with helpful tools for planning, predicting, and tracking runners.
You can explore data from other Running Up For Air events at our home page.
Live Results
As runners come through each aid station, they will be recorded by our timing crews. Results will be available throughout the race at these links:
- 2023 Running Up For Air (SLC) (12H)
- 2023 Running Up For Air (SLC) (24H)
- 2023 Running Up For Air (SLC) (6H)
For detailed results for a specific person, click the person's name.
Note that some aid stations may have weak or intermittent internet access, so some results may be delayed. Running Up For Air will do its best to keep the live results as current as possible.
Live Text and Email Updates
You can also subscribe to receive free live updates via email or text message. To subscribe, follow these easy steps:
- Sign up for an account or log in to your existing account
- Find the person you want to follow at one of the Live Results links provided above
- Click the person's name
- Locate the box that says "Notify me" and click the email or text button
Live Time Projections
After an entrant has been recorded at the first aid station, projections will be available showing expected times to later aid stations. The projections are based on prior years' data, and the outside (high and low) projected times should be reliable. To see projected times, go to the full race results, click the person's name, and click the "Projections" tab.
Planning Your Effort
Using data from prior years, OpenSplitTime provides a planning tool to help you figure out your pacing for any finish time. You can plan your effort here:
Just click the link above, type in your expected finish time, and click "Create My Plan." OpenSplitTime will calculate split times for each aid station based on prior-year efforts that finished close to that same time.
You can export your plan to a CSV file (readable by Excel or Google Sheets) by clicking "Export Plan." Enter different finish times to create as many alternate plans as you like.
Webhook Notifications
If you have a website with a URL that can accept an http or https POST request, you can subscribe to webhook notifications that are fired when new data for this event is available.
Sign up for an account or log in to your existing account, then return to this page for further instructions.
Questions? Need a Hand?
If you have any questions or problems with OpenSplitTime, please feel free to contact us here: